
Sail in the same boat and set sail! The enterprise study tour organized by Jiansheng Group and foreign trade cattle was successfully concluded.

2024-06-25 22:00

On June 21, Jiansheng Group and Xiamen Gudao Group jointly organized a study tour for foreign trade enterprises. The purpose of the study tour is to provide foreign trade enterprises with immersive communication and learning opportunities, and to strengthen the exchange of experience in enterprise management and operation transformation through investigation, study and interactive discussion, expand the circle of friends, and achieve the common goal of stable growth of enterprises. Representatives of dozens of outstanding foreign trade enterprises were invited to attend the meeting.

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This time, representatives of outstanding foreign trade enterprises from Xiamen, Zhangzhou, Quanzhou and other places were invited to conduct on-the-spot visits, and through the interactive exchanges between enterprises, new sparks were collided, and more practical experience was brought to the management work.

At the beginning of the visit, under the leadership of relevant personnel of Jiansheng Group, all enterprise guests visited the production base of Jiansheng Group and visited the production process and operation details of the products.

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Then I visited the group's educational furniture exhibition hall and Kangtaijia office medical care exhibition hall, and experienced the diversification and high quality of medium and high-end office furniture, educational furniture and medical furniture.

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After a short tea break, after sweeping away the summer heat, the guests gathered in the conference room. Mina, manager of Jiansheng Group's International Marketing Division, shared the theme of "How to Achieve Record-breaking Team's Annual Performance" and made a specific introduction to the business representatives on how to do a good job in foreign trade marketing, foreign trade documentary, customer management, department incentives and other work links.

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After sharing, representatives of enterprises raised questions one after another, and Mina gave one-on-one answers and suggestions. The atmosphere was relaxed and active, which also aroused the approval and resonance of many guests.

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"In the future, we will be based on our own industry, combined with the actual situation of enterprise operation, and transform the exchange of learning results into specific practices to promote enterprise development." Amy, a foreign trade manager from Xiamen, said that through this study exchange, she realized the importance of content marketing for brand promotion, and how much content marketing can play depends on managers' expectations and attention to promotion.

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Finally, I would like to sincerely thank every customer who came to Jiansheng Group to participate in the study tour in spite of his busy schedule.

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